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boyfriend - iPad Keylogger

Does my iPad have a keylogger?

Do you know that your iPad or Android tablet might be tracked? Have you ever concerned that your boyfriend / girlfriend or husband / wife is tracking your device?  All of your details such as emails, sms, calls and Skype chats could be reported to someone else, but how could you know that your device is being tracked? Does your iPad have a keylogger?

Well, everyone would be worried about being tracked and start asking questions like "does my iPad have a keylogger?" or "what if someone reads my messages?" if they used a tablet such as iPad or any Android Tablet. If you are using a tablet and want to know whether  you're being tracked or not, there might be some ways to understand if your iPad has a keylogger or if your Android tablet has a keylogger.

First of all, our iPad keylogger and Android keylogger is completely undetectable.So if our product is used, there would be no way to learn, but lets talk about some other iPad or Android keyloggers.

Many of other keyloggers are detectable and some of them are shown as a radio. So if you see a radio icon or application you must be sure if you download that application, otherwise you should know that you might be tracked! Some other keyloggers also cannot delete their icon and show them as a game. In this case what you need to do is, you need to check all games that your device has, and if there is a game that you did not download, then there is a possibility that you're being tracked. All these keyloggers are also might be seen in Application list ( for iPad , under setting icon ).


The last thing is this, as all keyloggers need the iPad to be jailbroken and the Android tabled to be rooted, and some keyloggers cannot hide jailbreak icon on iPads, so if you see a jailbreak icon then you should know that you could be tracked.


Please remember that our keylogger hides the jailbroken icon and it is completely undetectable!


Thank you.




What is iPad Keylogger / Android Keylogger?

What is iPad Keylogger or What is Android Keylogger ? iPad Keylogger or Android Keylogger allows you to track all activities that is happening on the target iPad, iPad mini or any Android tablet.

This article includes quick answers for those who are asking "what is iPad keylogger" or "what is android keylogger".

What is iPad Keylogger?

iPad keylogger is an application that works on iPad and iPad mini to track the device remotely.

What is Android Keylogger?

Android Keylogger is an application for Android tablets such as Samsung to track the device remotely.

Why Should I track an iPad or a Tablet?

What kind of activities I can see?

search_globe search_film map phone_book photo_camera mail_search note_book skype facebook calendar

  1. Emails
  2. Locations
  3. Taken pictures
  4. Recorded Videos
  5. Skype calls
  6. Facebook chats
  7. Visited websites
  8. Notes
  9. Adress books
  10. Calendar

For more detail please visit our features page.

Is it detectable?

Our iPad Keylogger and Tablet Keylogger is completely undetectable. The owner of the target Tablet cannot know that you are tracking their iPad or Tablet.

Which tablets are supported?

Any iPad, any iPad Mini and any Android Tablets are fully supported. Please also note that iPads should be Jailbroken and Android tablets should be rooted to support all features.

Does the iPad have to be Jailbroken?

Please read this article for more details.

How can I track?

The only thing you need is to download our iPad Keylogger or Tablet Keylogger onto the target Tablet that you want to track. Please visit our monthly plans here and choose one of them to start tracking.

Can I cancel if it is not working or if I do not like?

We guarantee that it will work perfectly, but if you don't like or give up tracking, we give a 10 day money back guarantee.


Can I track a phone rather than a Tablet?

Yes, please visit here to see more details about tracking phones.