Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Oxygen_VSB_Dynamic_Shortcodes::$custom_dynamic_datas is deprecated in /home/runcloud/webapps/iPadKeylogger/wp-content/plugins/oxygen/component-framework/includes/oxygen-dynamic-shortcodes.php on line 18
spy - iPad Keylogger

iPad Spy App Update (v4.0.2) - iOS9.0.2 Support

Big news! iOS9.0.2 is supported now! The iPad Spy App; iPadKeylogger got updated to version 4.0.2 with iOS9.0.2 Support! So, what is new on iPad Spy App Update (v4.0.2) - iOS9.0.2 Support?


We have just released the iPad Spy App Update (v4.0.2)! The update includes many changes -as usual- including the biggest news; iOS9.0.2 support! You can easily update the iPadKeylogger remotely for free, using your online control panel! We recommend you to update the iPad Spy App Update (v4.0.2) - iOS9.0.2 Support to get logs from latest app iOS apps.
Product: iPhone & iPad
Version: 4.0.2
Support platform: iOS 6.x - 9.0.2 (jail broken)
Release date: Fri, 20 Nov 2015


What's New?


What's Fixed?:


Additional note:

IM Application Supported Version
Facebook Messenger 49.0
Google Hangouts 6.0.0
LINE 5.7.0
Skype for iPhone
Skype for iPad
SnapChat 9.20.0
Viber 5.6.1
WeChat 6.3.6
WhatsApp 2.12.11
Yahoo Messenger 2.2.9



How to get iPad Spy App Update (v4.0.2)?

Please log in to your account and check the top right to find the blinking UPDATE icon. A window will pop out once you click this icon. Please read details and click "YES" button to update remotely.


How to buy iPad Spy App for iOS9 - iOS9.0.2 and earlier versions?

It is easy! Click here to choose your plan and purchase the license to start spying on Android devices immediately!


Money Back Guarantee

We offer you 10-day money back guarantee! Without any reason you can ask us for refund in 10 day!


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Have any question? Please click here to contact us anytime you want!

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How to Spy On WhatsApp?

Is it possible to Spy on Whatsapp and get all logs? The answer is yes, but how? How to Spy on WhatsApp? What are the requirements to Spy on your kids' WhatsApp? This article explains How to Spy on WhatsApp.

WhatsApp is the most popular instant messaging app in the world. It is so famous that most of mobile device users use WhatsApp for messaging instead of using SMS. It changes the way that people communicate as it is easier, not only for texting but also to send images and videos. This makes some parents concerned about their kids and the way that they use WhatsApp.

In today's world most of teenagers are using mobile devices such as iPhone or iPad, and the way that they communicate is usually through these devices by using apps like WhatsApp. As the communication gets easier for children, the usage of these apps gets increased, and kids are using apps similar to WhatsApp more than they need. Additionally most of them start sending and receiving nude pictures or sexting which is when and why the parents are concerning about their kids and start thinking of monitoring them, but How to Spy on WhatsApp?.


Is it possible to Spy on Whatsapp and get all logs

Yes, our app iPadKeylogger gives you the ability to get WhatsApp logs including pictures and videos. It captures all activities and keep them even if they are deleted by the user. All WhatsApp logs including pictures and videos are then sent to your online control panel so you can Spy on WhatsApp remotely.

How to Spy on WhatsApp?

The first thing you should do is to have access of your target iPad. Then you should jailbreak the target which is the only way to install such spying apps (see why). After your device is ready you can install iPadKeylogger through Cydia(jailbreak).

Once you install iPadKeylogger on the target iPad, there will be no need of accessing the target anymore, and you will be able to monitor this iPad remotely and Spy on WhatsApp.

How to get iPadKeylogger?

Please visit and choose the best plan for you. After the purchasing is done, you will get an automatic email that includes your control panel link, login details and license key.

You will find instructions on your online control panel.

Please don't forget to check all other features of iPadKeylogger on




Please note that iPad Keylogger can hide its icon and Cydia icon after installing iPadKeylogger software.

See All Features

Purchase iPad Keylogger

Please note that the iPad should be jailbroken to install such applications. (see why)

Got any question?, please don hesitate to contact us




iPad Keylogger for iOS8 - iOS8.X is available!

#UPDATE 4 Dec 2014 - Now iOS8.1.1 too is supported.

#UPDATE 14 Dec 2014 - Now iOS8.1.2 too is supported.

We are very excited to announce that iPad Keylogger for iOS8 - iOS8.1 is now available! Our software iPad Keylogger is updated with iOS8 and iOS8.1 support!


It hasn't been long time that Pangu announced the new jailbreak tool for iOS8 and iOS8.1 that allows you to jailbreak the latest Apple's Operating System for mobile devices.

We know that all of our customers were waiting for a new update as all of you were able to Jailbreak Apple iPads that run the latest OS; iOS8 and iOS8.1. We have been working hard on the new Spy App for iPads; iPad Keyloger to be able to make it work on iOS8 and iOS8.1, and finally iPad Keylogger for iOS8 - iOS8.1 is available!

The installation is as simple as the previous versions, and there some great new options and it is easier to spy on iPad!


What is new?


IMG_0116 IMG_0117 IMG_0118 IMG_0119 IMG_0121

Please note that if you previously were using iPad Keylogger and the target has upgraded to iOS8 - iOS8.1, you must access the target again in order to jailbreak the iPad and install the spy app.



See All Features

Purchase iPad Keylogger


Please note that the iPad should be jailbroken to install such applications. (see why)

Got any question?, please don hesitate to contact us